I spend every day merging mysticism with creativity as I write novels and memoir, as I paint, and as I coach others. I've been living this mystic-artist alchemy for decades now. I'm passionate about expressing my own spirit through creativity and want to help others express theirs. Let's work together. Email me.
In the 1990s, I was an international newsroom journalist (Tokyo, SE Asia, London, Seattle) when I felt a strong call to give it all up. I was being called to something bigger, but what? ​
My career began to unravel. It shattered into a million pieces. I had to go on a journey. I had to find out who I truly was.
What followed were years of self-exploration. Everything I had defined as mine was taken away. I had to start from scratch and build. But build what? Who was I?
I first explored my mystical side, and for years studied tarot, shamanism and past lives. I write all about this in Water, my fourth novel. I started to do readings for people using tarot. Today, I estimate I’ve given 8,000 plus such readings for people all over the world.
Slowly, I started writing fiction. Slowly, I remembered visual art. I used to win awards for my art as a child but hadn’t touched it in more than a decade. I started to paint again.
I started teaching writing. Students came up to me after class and asked for one-on-one writing coaching. A book coaching business was born. Today I have helped thousands of people learn to write. I have clients from Singapore to Seattle, writers of healing memoir, magical realism, self-help books, and film scripts. Clients have been featured in the Financial Times and the New York Times and have won major national awards.
Throughout my writing, art, and coaching, I use a powerful intuition and my healing connection to spirit.
Today, as a novelist, visual artist, and coach, I live by the core values of creativity, authenticity, purpose, and contribution. My five novels: Earth, Air, Fire Water, Ether are about one woman in search of her mystical purpose. The first four are published and have won Independent Publishers awards. Read more about them here. A middle grade novel called Blue has a London publisher and is coming out in Jan. 2025. Read more about Blue here.
​As a visual artist, I built a yurt art studio in the woods for my 50th birthday. I see the use of color and texture as a sacred act, as I paint in acrylics and watercolors. I'm working on several series now, including creating a tarot deck, and a painting series called Bruised Goddess.
My mission is to provide accessible and engaging readings, groups, and resources for those interested in exploring the mystical world of tarot and creativity. I aim to create a sacred, safe, welcoming and supportive atmosphere for all those interested in these topics, regardless of their level of experience or background. Contact me and let's explore the magic together!
Living my purpose and helping others find and live theirs has been my passion for more than two decades. Imagine what kind of world we can create if we're all aligned with the spirit of our true essences. Imagine the positive transformation.
Core Value: Purpose
I believe the core of spirituality is creativity. To me, we are "gods" when we create, making something from nothing. I believe creative power is our birthright. We need all of the creativity we can muster to heal a broken world.
Core Value: Creativity
We all have unique spiritual strengths to contribute to help heal this planet. I contribute, first and foremost, through my own healing. Then I pass that on as a coach. I'm proud to help others uncover their unique contribution.
Core Value: Contribution