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Tarot deck created by Caroline Allen


Hi, my name is Caroline Allen, and I'm a mystic, coach, award-wining novelist, and visual artist. Whether you'd like a tarot reading, want ongoing coaching, want to study tarot, or join a circle of like-minded mystics, this is the place for you. I have 30 years of experience giving readings to people all over the world.


Middle Grade Novel Launches 2025

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I'm excited to announce that my middle grade novel BLUE is coming out in early 2025 through a lovely fringe publisher in London. It's about the silenced voices of a visionary girl and an old growth tree -- will they be heard before it's too late? It's about our connection to nature, about being different, and about accepting ourselves just as we are.

Read more about the novel here.  



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When you come for a reading, I open the channel to your guides and ancestors and relay wisdom from a higher plane. A good reading can save you time and money and guide you more quickly in making the best decisions for your career, money, relationships, and purpose. I'm particularly passionate about using tarot to unlock the doors of your creativity. 

Mystic Circle
Mystic Circle
Ongoing Online Course and Monthly Zoom Calls
A dynamic approach to learning to speak with your guides using tarot

What would it be like if you could access your guides' wisdom daily and with ease?


Whether you're a coach or simply want to learn the art of mysticism, my online course, Mystic Circle, is the perfect place to hone your psychic abilities, beef up your intuition, and find your connection with spirit. Join our community today and unlock the magic of your inner mystic.


You can choose an online self-study subscription, and/or join us for monthly meetings. We meet the last Friday of the month from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. PST on Zoom. Another evening group is forming, email me if you're interested. Click "Read more" below to be taken to the pricing plans.​

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Singing bowl and tarot on altar in yurt
Mystic Circus tarot

Get in Touch

Have a question about my readings or our Mystic Circle? Fill out the form below, and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Thanks for Contacting Us!

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