Kristen Hart, Spirit-Centered Wellness, Portland, OR
I work with diverse energies as an acupuncturist, and this course is aligning these energies and bringing them together as one, and it's easier to manage and more powerful to work with in the healing I do. Learning this process with Caroline is helping to define & refine my unique channel so that I can interact with these energies from a place of balance.

Madeleine Eno
Book Coach
Westford, MA
When I first signed up for the Mystic Circus course, I thought, “Oh, this will be something fun to do, learn how to read cards," and then I quickly realized what we were learning and practicing was something much bigger. After just a few months, I’ve gained a tool to quickly and easily connect to source. Now I know I can just reach into the "field" and access all of this higher wisdom any time I want.

Kip Clarke
Executive Coach
Ontario, CA
After dabbling with tarot for a number of years, I am finally gaining clarity and confidence! My ability to listen to guided wisdom is getting stronger, and I'm learning both from Caroline and from the other students in Mystic Circle. It's a wonderfully generative and expansive space! Caroline often shares stories from her own circuitous journey, which are reassuring for those of us without the decades of experience that she has. She keeps our discussions positive. Mystic Circle has exceeded my expectations already!

Shellee Burroughs
Art Therapist,
London, UK
What I like about Mystic Circle is the sharing, learning and connecting. It has helped me look for and see more magic in my life.
Caroline is an aware, accepting, and positive guide in training us how to connect to spirit guides and receive greater wisdom.

Sonya Trejo
Eightlight Yoga
Atlanta, GA
Mystic Circle is all about connecting in a creative space with other readers of all levels and being led in reading exchanges. It has served to increase my confidence and channeling. Caroline leads with a strong voice, and classes are clear and well laid out and well communicated. Thank you. I have so much gratitude for the growth.

Aylin Llona
Body Worker
Seattle, WA
I greatly value Caroline's work and teaching. In Mystic Circle, there is just enough structure with room for spontaneity. I feel much more comfortable with the symbols in the tarot, and most importantly, I am trusting my own intuition more, which helps in my healing practice. Caroline teaches us to trust our own wisdom, and not get locked in to someone else's interpretation of the cards. What I like about Caroline's approach is she keeps us honest!