The Art of Storytelling and the Art of Living Happy are joining forces to hold a spiritually rich workshop in April in Connecticut.
We’ll show you how to combine the spiritual with the practical to write your book fast!
Connect to your higher creativity
Learn to channel your writing
Acquire practical tools to translate the spiritual into a finished publishable manuscript
Explore avenues for landing agents and publishers
Who we are:
I’m a novelist, visual artist and writing coach who uses channeling in all my endeavors.
The Art of Living Happy’s Lisa Jones is a renowned spiritual channel, an author and a well-known speaker.
Guest speaker Jon Sternfeld is the acquisitions editor at the publishing house Lyons Press.
RegistrationWhat’s Your Story? is being held in Old Greenwich, CT, April 12-13, 2014. Register by the end of February, and you can bring a friend for free to the first day of the workshop. To register and for more information, click here:
The Art of storytelling is a coaching service for writers. We offer a free initial consultation, click here for more information: