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The Spiritual Entrepreneur: Mystics and Money

Writer's picture: Caroline AllenCaroline Allen

a pile of $100 dollar bills
What is your spiritual take on money?

Calling all Spiritual Entrepreneurs to step up. We're at a turning point, with the climate crisis, and the global mental health crisis and so much more. Mystic healers are needed now more than ever.

We won't be able to handle being spiritual entrepreneurs in an increasingly frightened world if we're broke and burnt out. We're empathic. We care. We take on the world's woes. We want to help. We give away our time. We decrease our prices.

We have to put on our oxygen mask first. We need financial security and stability so that we have a bedrock to stand on when the big winds blow. We can only help the world if we help ourselves first.

Every mystic working as a coach/healer deserves a strong income, savings, security, and enough space, money, and time to do other creative projects, and to take time off to re-energize.

Why do mystics have such a problem with money? I believe as channelers, we see spirit as pure, and money as negative, loaded with greed and abuse. We back off so we don't get our hands dirty. We're entering an entirely new era, and we all need a new way to look at money.

I don't want to underestimate this journey to financial freedom for spiritual healers. It won't be easy or fast, and there's no one-size-fits all plan. We each have to take on this financial work with integrity and authenticity, and know that we'll have to find our own way. Spiritual entrepreneurship isn't like other mainstream businesses, so mainstream solutions may not work for you. You'll have to keep digging and removing blocks and finding your way by trial and error. The one thing we do have that the mainstream entrepreneur doesn't? Spirit guides to fall back on.

10 tarot cards on a table.
Money and Spirit do mix.

I'm using tarot to explore how we as mystics can come to terms with money and find our unique brand of security. Here are some thoughts:

  1. Write out your money story. Describe your parent's relationship with money, and what you learned from them. When have you made a lot of money? When have you been most broke? Look at the what, when, where, and why of money throughout your life. Get out your journal and start exploring. To break through to new beliefs, we have to understand our old beliefs.

  2. What do you value? What are your core values? Do money and your core values align? If not, why? What can you change to align them?

  3. You were born for this era. Your spiritual abilities are why you are here now. You are here for a reason. If you cannot fulfill that reason because you're too broke or too tired, it is a great disappointment for your soul. So, do what needs to be done. Increase your prices! People pay a lot for shoes or cars or tchotchkes. Let them pay for soul work. Let them pay for the most important work of their lives. Your gift to channel spirit is helping transform lives and heal the planet. You deserve to be compensated for that.

  4. Speaking of Core Values and tchotchkes, let's look at what value you bring to the lives of your clients. Make a list of your most recent clients. Now, think about your session, and next to their names list what special guidance you gave them, explore how this helped heal them or transform them. Get to the bottom of the value you bring to each client. This will help support you as you boost your prices.

  5. Let's get real in the mundane world for a minute. When was the last time you did a budget, and looked at your incoming and outgoing? If you have credit card debt, one really good way to wake up and take action is to go and calculate all of the interest you've been paying over the years. It may be the slap in the face you need. How can you get right with your money, right now?

  6. Do a shamanic journey to meet a guide who can give you advice on your relationship with money and how to heal it. You can also do a journey where you meet a healthy wealth guide, and ask to connect with them to empower your own money journey.

  7. Throw a tarot reading asking about how you can heal around money.

  8. Get Reiki healing with the focus on where money issues are locked in your body so you can move the energy up and out.

  9. Ask an acupuncturist if they can locate where the chi is trapped around money and help move it.

  10. Brainstorm the perfect Spiritual Entrepreneur life for you. Let your imagination fly. Be quirky, unique, authentic. It doesn't have to look like anyone else's spiritual business. Run your business like you want to. We've entered a new era, and the old rules don't apply anymore. Do you want to run a program? Do you want to see more clients one-on-one? Do you want to add play or art or poetry to your sessions? Where do you want to live? How many hours do you want to work? What is your annual income? How does this new you have more energy to give back?

Contact me if you're interested in future workshops about money and the mystic life.

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